JO! 2023 | Workshops/Warsztaty
do 23.07.2023 niedziela | godz. 17:00
Zapraszamy na warsztaty dla improwizatorów z doświadczonymi trenerami z całego świata! Tegoroczna oferta intensywnych kursów to pięcioro trenerów i 9 różnorodnych tematów. Wybraliśmy od każdego to, co najlepsze i najbardziej unikatowe. Zapisujcie się, a gwarantujemy, że po powrocie z festiwalu będziecie mieli sporo materiału do pracy w swoich grupach!
Ze względu na to, że warsztaty są realizowane w języku angielskim - pełen program i opis warsztatów również umieszczamy w tym języku.
FRIDAY 21.07
· Christian Capozzoli - 4Track – 6 hours
· Charlotte de Metsenaere - Renowned you – 6 hours
· Lena Breuer - How to be a super happy improviser – 3 hours
· Phil Lunn - All together now! – 6 hours
· Lena Breuer - Switch! How television can actually help our improv skills. – 6 hours
· Dan Seyfried - Unplug your brain (pt.1 & pt.2) – 9 hours
· Charlotte de Metsenaere - RECIPROCITY: what you give, is what you get – 3 hours
SUNDAY 23.07
· Christian Capozzoli – Monoscene – 6 hours
· Phil Lunn - The core of the song – 6 hours
· Dan Seyfried - Unplug your brain (pt.3)
3 hours: 200pln
6 hours: 350pln
9 hours: 500pln
Festival pass owners get 10% discount on all workshop prices (after purchasing the festival pass check your pdf file for a promo code)
Charlotte de Metsenaere (she/her)
Renowned you
6 hours | advanced | 21.07, 10:00-13:00 + 14:00-17:00
Up to 12 participants
Luckily we know certain things about ourselves. Certainties that we can rely on, build on, fall back on. Strengths that have saved us before on stage. However, we do know that magic happens in the uncertainty, the unexpected. By leaving your save zone, you encounter magic you wouldn’t have envisioned for yourself. Dare to find courage to fully emerge in the uncertainty by tapping into your known powers, your certainties.
“If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than you are now.” - Shifu, Kung Fu Panda.
The aim of this workshop is personal growth, by placing one foot on your certainties, the other on your uncertainties. With a mild push, we will discover and play with the tipping point, the balance between those two things. It’s about going back to your core, discovering what is there, what drives you, and what doesn’t. This workshop is for intermediate to advanced improvisers, who are ready for a challenge and eager for some personal feedback.
RECIPROCITY: what you give, is what you get
3 hours | intermediate | 22.07, 10:00-13:00
Up to 12 participants
This workshop offers you specific tools to become the world’s most awesome scene partner. Because what you give, is what you get. Positive vibes are contagious. We explore new ways of how to take care of your partner, but also push them off the cliff. Support, and surprise. We will discover that looking into your partner's head takes the tension away from being in yours.
“It's not what you want to do, it's what your partner is making you do.”
Christian Capozzoli (he/him)
6 hours | advanced | 21.07, 10:00-13:00 + 14:00-17:00
Up to 14 participants
The 4Track form demands you rush the stage with confidence and connectivity. Ratchet, bounce and build scenes to a boil, then tumble into an avalanche of distilled and pithy callbacks. This form rejoices bold choices, physicality, and split second agreement and celebration. Create tension, Take action, and explore characterization through wants, and spine and choice.
6 hours | advanced | 23.07, 10:00-13:00 + 14:00-17:00
Up to 14 participants
Bring modulation, stakes and character clarity to your Monoscene. Use stage-craft and specificity to give torque and traction to your scene, explore the location and use it to fuel your discoveries and declarations. Play with fearless physicality and hairpin emotional shifts.
Dan Seyfried (he/him)
Unplug your brain
9 hours | intermediate | 22.07, 10:00-13:00 + 14:00-17:00, 23.07 10:00-13:00
6-12 participants
Our brain is a formiddable machine to create and imagine, but sometimes it's our own trap, our only barrier and then, we can have the feeling to work on the scene rather to enjoy it…
This workshop aims at unplugging our brains, to explore what our bodies have to suggest. We will train not to be heady or too rational, to allow your scenes to be silly, to accept and play the nonsense. Let your bodies surprise yourself and embrace their strong propositions, to just have fun, play like kids, discover new places, characters and relations, to follow the inspiration and your instinct.
Lena Breuer (she/her)
How to be a super happy improviser
3 hours | beginner | 21.07, 10:00-13:00
Up to 12 participants
Two improvisers walk on stage, start a scene. What happens? Conflict, discussions, fight, anger, negativity. Why is it so hard to start positive? And even harder to stay positive? Because we panic, we are afraid of not having enough. Instead of trusting in our characters, in their instincts of having a good time, we create negativity. And problems. And that´s exactly the problem.
In this workshop we will discover the joy of being positive, learn how to let the sun shine instead of creating a thunderstorm and just be nice to each other. Because that´s what we want to be and that´s what the audience want to see. Be a super happy person, be a super happy improviser. No conflicts in this workshops, I promise.
Switch! How television can actually help our improv skills.
6 hours | intermediate | 22.07, 10:00-13:00 + 14:00-17:00
Up to 12 participants
Switch! Watching television is considered one of the less inspiring hobbies if you’re into art, improv and theatre. I disagree. We can learn a lot from the world of TV to improve our improv. We’ll be looking into edits, perspectives, forms of storytelling and finding the clue to the story in a short time. All are techniques used in the world of TV as well. They can be used to create a fun and fast form of improve.
Besides the techniques, we’ll also go through a set of different TV formats and apply them in our scenes.
Because Lena is not only working as an improviser, but also as an professional TV and Radio producer for the biggest broadcasting stations in germany, she really knows, what she is doing. No fake news.
Phil Lunn (he/him)
All together now!
6 hours | intermediate | 21.07, 10:00-13:00 + 14:00-17:00
Up to 12 participants
A workshop dedicated to creating songs as a group—sharing lyrics and movements.
• what songs work best for group singing
• how to share songs, while helping your partners look great
• moving as a group like it was all planned
• keeping a song consistent in style
• singing like a pop group — it’s not all about musicals!
This workshop promises to be energetic, and great fun — whether your aim is to improvise like Les Miserables or Westlife.
The core of the song
6 hours | intermediate | 23.07, 10:00-13:00 + 14:00-17:00
Up to 12 participants
OK, so we've left our scene and now we're in a song. Great. Now let's focus it. What is the topic? From what angle? And where are we going as the song progresses?
In this workshop we'll look at how to find the 'core' of a song, and how to derive the shape and journey of it. We'll look at:
• starting organically and discovering the structure, rather than forcing it
• how to find a theme and perspective
• how to combine our ideas with a musical 'hook'
• how to know when you've found all that you need, and when you should change
Charlotte de Metsenaere – It will be Charlotte’s second run in Torun, and she can’t wait to be part of the festival again. Charlotte is an all-rounder in the Belgian and international improvisation scene. She has been teaching for 14 years, from beginners to experts, from 8-yearolds to 88-year-olds, from games to longform to directing. With her company ‘Zeggedis’ she teaches applied improvisation to companies. She just finished a postgraduate degree in experience based learning and group dynamics.
Find her on stage with Prism, ‘Woman Up!’, Fairyfail, Ohana or the Werewolves international cast. Charlotte taught workshops in Belgium, Netherlands, Slovenia, Spain, Poland, India, Israel and Greece. She is most asked and liked for her enormous amount of energy and positivity. Also… she likes chocolate. She needs stuff to be in the right place (her friends call her Monica), and she loves people who see the beauty in everyday life.
Christian Capozzoli – Christian has had the fortune to work with top comedic voices in TV and Film, including Stephen Colbert, Lena Dunham, Robert Smigel and Adam Sandler. Capozzoli directed the Amazon special "Something from Nothing” and has worked along side legendary comedic instructors Mick Napier, Charna Halpern and Armando Diaz.
Christian Capozzoli has been honored and recognized as one of the top improv minds and instructors in the world. His one man show Nutso Facto, toured North America and Europe, receiving rave reviews from both the New York Times and Post.
His Aerodynamics of Yes: The Improviser’s Manual provides readers with the essential tools to unlock imagination and celebrate each other.
Dan Seyfried – Dan loved impro instantly, when he discovered it in 2007! Since then, He had the chance to travel in all french speaking communities and later internationally, traveling to teach and/or play in more than 20 countries around the world. With Théâtre de L'Oignon first and with La Carpe Haute, The Fraltons, Origami Swan (duo w/ Ella Galt) and You&Me (duo w/ Alicja Dobrowolna). Now, a new adventure begins with the rebranding and their new names Anananas & Pampamplemousse.
What he loves especially in improv is the connection between the partners, the sincerity and the playfullness, enjoying the whole spectrum of improv : from silly to dramatic or non-sens to smart.
Lena Breuer – Lena is an actress, journalist, producer, trainer, organisational talent, passionate foodie. She loves real, emotional scenes, stories with attitude and great nonsense on stage.
Lena studied acting and journalism and lost her heart to improv in 2010, constantly learning from different teachers and in different programs like the IO summer intensive. Today she is teaching and performing in Germany and all over Europe. She taught and performed at german and international festivals and worked with improv superheroes like Keith Johnstone and Patti Stiles, in physical and scripted theatre, camera acting and clowning.
She is the founder of Impro Köln, a professional improv company in Cologne / Germany and the IFO Impro Fest, the first ever online improv festival, created in times of Covid, which became an offline experience in 2021.
Lena is also working as a professional tv producer for Germany ́s biggest tv stations like ZDF, WDR, ARD and Arte. She is producing documentations and reports about political and social topics, working worldwide. Lena has been in many radio shows in German radio – as a host, but also, as a reporter and sidekick. Nowadays she is working as a live reporter for the public radio station WDR2 and 1LIVE.
Phil Lunn - Phil is an improviser from London, UK. He’s been improvising for several years, both on stage and behind the piano. He’s worked with many leading groups including Music Box, Hoopla, Silly String Theory and The Maydays, including several shows at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and at various international improvisation festivals. He teaches improv in London with Hoopla Impro and at schools and festivals across Europe. Currently, Phil works with Sprout Impro in London and guests with several groups. He also performs solo in his improvised cabaret show ‘Phyllida Sings’.
Zapraszamy na warsztaty dla improwizatorów z doświadczonymi trenerami z całego świata! Tegoroczna oferta intensywnych kursów to pięcioro trenerów i 9 różnorodnych tematów. Wybraliśmy od każdego to, co najlepsze i najbardziej unikatowe. Gwarantujemy, że po powrocie z festiwalu będziecie mieli sporo materiału do pracy w swoich grupach!
Ze względu na to, że warsztaty są realizowane w języku angielskim – pełen program i opis warsztatów również umieszczamy w tym języku.
FRIDAY 21.07.
- Christian Capozzoli – 4Track – 10:00-13:00, 14:00-17:00 (6 hours)
- Charlotte de Metsenaere – Renowned you – 10:00-13:00, 14:00-17:00 (6 hours)
- Lena Breuer – How to be a super happy improviser – 10:00-13:00 (3 hours)
- Phil Lunn – All together now! – 10:00-13:00-14:00-17:00 (6 hours)
Charlotte de Metsenaere (she/her)
Renowned you
6 hours | advanced | 21.07, 10:00-13:00 + 14:00-17:00
Up to 12 participants
Luckily we know certain things about ourselves. Certainties that we can rely on, build on, fall back on. Strengths that have saved us before on stage. However, we do know that magic happens in the uncertainty, the unexpected. By leaving your save zone, you encounter magic you wouldn’t have envisioned for yourself. Dare to find courage to fully emerge in the uncertainty by tapping into your known powers, your certainties.
“If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than you are now.” – Shifu, Kung Fu Panda.
The aim of this workshop is personal growth, by placing one foot on your certainties, the other on your uncertainties. With a mild push, we will discover and play with the tipping point, the balance between those two things. It’s about going back to your core, discovering what is there, what drives you, and what doesn’t. This workshop is for intermediate to advanced improvisers, who are ready for a challenge and eager for some personal feedback.
RECIPROCITY: what you give, is what you get
3 hours | intermediate | 22.07, 10:00-13:00
Up to 12 participants
This workshop offers you specific tools to become the world’s most awesome scene partner. Because what you give, is what you get. Positive vibes are contagious. We explore new ways of how to take care of your partner, but also push them off the cliff. Support, and surprise. We will discover that looking into your partner’s head takes the tension away from being in yours.
“It’s not what you want to do, it’s what your partner is making you do.”
Christian Capozzoli (he/him)
6 hours | advanced | 21.07, 10:00-13:00 + 14:00-17:00
Up to 14 participants
The 4Track form demands you rush the stage with confidence and connectivity. Ratchet, bounce and build scenes to a boil, then tumble into an avalanche of distilled and pithy callbacks. This form rejoices bold choices, physicality, and split second agreement and celebration. Create tension, Take action, and explore characterization through wants, and spine and choice.
6 hours | advanced | 23.07, 10:00-13:00 + 14:00-17:00
Up to 14 participants
Bring modulation, stakes and character clarity to your Monoscene. Use stage-craft and specificity to give torque and traction to your scene, explore the location and use it to fuel your discoveries and declarations. Play with fearless physicality and hairpin emotional shifts.
Dan Seyfried (he/him)
Unplug your brain
9 hours | intermediate | 22.07, 10:00-13:00 + 14:00-17:00, 23.07 10:00-13:00
6-12 participants
Our brain is a formiddable machine to create and imagine, but sometimes it’s our own trap, our only barrier and then, we can have the feeling to work on the scene rather to enjoy it…
This workshop aims at unplugging our brains, to explore what our bodies have to suggest. We will train not to be heady or too rational, to allow your scenes to be silly, to accept and play the nonsense. Let your bodies surprise yourself and embrace their strong propositions, to just have fun, play like kids, discover new places, characters and relations, to follow the inspiration and your instinct.
Lena Breuer (she/her)
How to be a super happy improviser
3 hours | beginner | 21.07, 10:00-13:00
Up to 12 participants
Two improvisers walk on stage, start a scene. What happens? Conflict, discussions, fight, anger, negativity. Why is it so hard to start positive? And even harder to stay positive? Because we panic, we are afraid of not having enough. Instead of trusting in our characters, in their instincts of having a good time, we create negativity. And problems. And that´s exactly the problem.
In this workshop we will discover the joy of being positive, learn how to let the sun shine instead of creating a thunderstorm and just be nice to each other. Because that´s what we want to be and that´s what the audience want to see. Be a super happy person, be a super happy improviser. No conflicts in this workshops, I promise.
Switch! How television can actually help our improv skills.
6 hours | intermediate | 22.07, 10:00-13:00 + 14:00-17:00
Up to 12 participants
Switch! Watching television is considered one of the less inspiring hobbies if you’re into art, improv and theatre. I disagree. We can learn a lot from the world of TV to improve our improv. We’ll be looking into edits, perspectives, forms of storytelling and finding the clue to the story in a short time. All are techniques used in the world of TV as well. They can be used to create a fun and fast form of improve.
Besides the techniques, we’ll also go through a set of different TV formats and apply them in our scenes.
Because Lena is not only working as an improviser, but also as an professional TV and Radio producer for the biggest broadcasting stations in germany, she really knows, what she is doing. No fake news.
Phil Lunn (he/him)
All together now!
6 hours | intermediate | 21.07, 10:00-13:00 + 14:00-17:00
Up to 12 participants
A workshop dedicated to creating songs as a group—sharing lyrics and movements.
- what songs work best for group singing
- how to share songs, while helping your partners look great
- moving as a group like it was all planned
- keeping a song consistent in style
- singing like a pop group — it’s not all about musicals!
This workshop promises to be energetic, and great fun — whether your aim is to improvise like Les Miserables or Westlife.
The core of the song
6 hours | intermediate | 23.07, 10:00-13:00 + 14:00-17:00
Up to 12 participants
OK, so we’ve left our scene and now we’re in a song. Great. Now let’s focus it. What is the topic? From what angle? And where are we going as the song progresses?
In this workshop we’ll look at how to find the 'core’ of a song, and how to derive the shape and journey of it. We’ll look at:
- starting organically and discovering the structure, rather than forcing it
- how to find a theme and perspective
- how to combine our ideas with a musical 'hook’
- how to know when you’ve found all that you need, and when you should change
Charlotte de Metsenaere – It will be Charlotte’s second run in Torun, and she can’t wait to be part of the festival again. Charlotte is an all-rounder in the Belgian and international improvisation scene. She has been teaching for 14 years, from beginners to experts, from 8-yearolds to 88-year-olds, from games to longform to directing. With her company ‘Zeggedis’ she teaches applied improvisation to companies. She just finished a postgraduate degree in experience based learning and group dynamics.
Find her on stage with Prism, ‘Woman Up!’, Fairyfail, Ohana or the Werewolves international cast. Charlotte taught workshops in Belgium, Netherlands, Slovenia, Spain, Poland, India, Israel and Greece. She is most asked and liked for her enormous amount of energy and positivity. Also… she likes chocolate. She needs stuff to be in the right place (her friends call her Monica), and she loves people who see the beauty in everyday life.
Christian Capozzoli – Christian has had the fortune to work with top comedic voices in TV and Film, including Stephen Colbert, Lena Dunham, Robert Smigel and Adam Sandler. Capozzoli directed the Amazon special „Something from Nothing” and has worked along side legendary comedic instructors Mick Napier, Charna Halpern and Armando Diaz.
Christian Capozzoli has been honored and recognized as one of the top improv minds and instructors in the world. His one man show Nutso Facto, toured North America and Europe, receiving rave reviews from both the New York Times and Post.
His Aerodynamics of Yes: The Improviser’s Manual provides readers with the essential tools to unlock imagination and celebrate each other.
Dan Seyfried – Dan loved impro instantly, when he discovered it in 2007! Since then, He had the chance to travel in all french speaking communities and later internationally, traveling to teach and/or play in more than 20 countries around the world. With Théâtre de L’Oignon first and with La Carpe Haute, The Fraltons, Origami Swan (duo w/ Ella Galt) and You&Me (duo w/ Alicja Dobrowolna). Now, a new adventure begins with the rebranding and their new names Anananas & Pampamplemousse.
What he loves especially in improv is the connection between the partners, the sincerity and the playfullness, enjoying the whole spectrum of improv : from silly to dramatic or non-sens to smart.
Lena Breuer – Lena is an actress, journalist, producer, trainer, organisational talent, passionate foodie. She loves real, emotional scenes, stories with attitude and great nonsense on stage.
Lena studied acting and journalism and lost her heart to improv in 2010, constantly learning from different teachers and in different programs like the IO summer intensive. Today she is teaching and performing in Germany and all over Europe. She taught and performed at german and international festivals and worked with improv superheroes like Keith Johnstone and Patti Stiles, in physical and scripted theatre, camera acting and clowning.
She is the founder of Impro Köln, a professional improv company in Cologne / Germany and the IFO Impro Fest, the first ever online improv festival, created in times of Covid, which became an offline experience in 2021.
Lena is also working as a professional tv producer for Germany ́s biggest tv stations like ZDF, WDR, ARD and Arte. She is producing documentations and reports about political and social topics, working worldwide. Lena has been in many radio shows in German radio – as a host, but also, as a reporter and sidekick. Nowadays she is working as a live reporter for the public radio station WDR2 and 1LIVE.
Phil Lunn – Phil is an improviser from London, UK. He’s been improvising for several years, both on stage and behind the piano. He’s worked with many leading groups including Music Box, Hoopla, Silly String Theory and The Maydays, including several shows at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and at various international improvisation festivals. He teaches improv in London with Hoopla Impro and at schools and festivals across Europe. Currently, Phil works with Sprout Impro in London and guests with several groups. He also performs solo in his improvised cabaret show ‘Phyllida Sings’.
Organizatorzy: Centrum Kultury Dwór Artusa, Miasto Toruń, Kolektyw TERAZ.
Partnerzy: Teatr Baj Pomorski w Toruniu, Klub Dwa Światy, Hostel Freedom.
Sponsorzy: Rossmann, WW Ekochem Spółka z o.o., Piekarnia Grochola Prawdziwy Chleb.